Spa Ponds Heritage Project: Celebrating 700 years of history

It is with great pleasure that we announce that the Forest Town Nature Conservation Group (FTNCG) has been successful in securing a Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) Sharing Heritage grant to help pay for the Spa Ponds Heritage Project.

The FTNCG-led Spa Ponds Heritage Project has been given £8,500 by the HLF to research and celebrate the history of Spa Ponds Nature Reserve, known locally as ‘Gara Ponds’. This project takes place 700 years after King Edward II is believed to have ordered the creation of the site’s medieval fish ponds.

Spa Ponds is located off Clipstone Drive near Garibaldi Wood in Forest Town, Mansfield. FTNCG is the volunteer-run charity who bought Spa Ponds in 2014 with help from the community of Forest Town. FTNCG will be assisted by friendly experts, led by Matt Beresford of MBArchaeology, for this year-long project.

Map of Spa Ponds Nature Reserve – Click to enlarge

The Spa Ponds Heritage Project will provide around 20 participants with training and guidance from historians and community archaeologists through a series of free workshops and activities.

The project will also include recording people’s memories of the site and creating a community-led Heritage Management Plan.

The HLF grant will fund opportunities for local people to experience local heritage through learning how to interpret maps and documents, being introduced to tree recording, and by participating in archaeological surveying at Spa Ponds. Together, these efforts will help reveal the site’s history and identify features that need to be protected. This will improve the community’s understanding of the site and help FTNCG look after the Nature Reserve in ways that respect the site’s heritage.

At the end of the project there will be public displays and events to share what has been learned and to celebrate the 700th anniversary of the site.

Those wishing to be kept informed about the project, and those who would like to share their Spa Ponds stories, can register their interest by e-mailing or by ‘phoning Shlomo Dowen on (01623) 640134.

Commenting on the award of the grant, FTNCG Secretary Lorraine Dowen said: “I am hugely excited and grateful to be part of a project that will skill-up local volunteers to research this amazing and as yet unexplored medieval site, recently purchased by the community and now held in trust for future generations.”

JHeritage Lottery Foundation - Lottery Fundedonathan Platt, Head of HLF East Midlands, said: “Our Sharing Heritage programme helps local communities embark on a journey of discovery to find out more about an aspect of their area’s heritage. The Gara Ponds will be known to many in Mansfield, but few will be aware of their 700 year history and it’s great that this project will involve dozens of volunteers in revealing their untold stories.”

FTNCG stall at the Forest Town Village Market

FTNCG Mugs & Cards for saleWe have had some high quality mugs and cards produced using Tim King’s photos to promote Spa Ponds and to help us raise some funds for the Group

These are available at the Forest Town Village Market held at Kingway Hall on:

  • Saturday 20th August, 10am-2pm
  • Satursay 17th September, 10am-2pm

At the following prices:

  • Mugs for £6 each
  • Cards for £1 each
  • Pack of 4 cards for £3.50
  • and 3 packs of 4 cards (12 cards in total) for £10

All proceeds will go to the Forest Town Nature Conservation Group.

Facebook event:

Formal Notice of FTNCG 2016 AGM

Dear Member of the Forest Town Nature Conservation Group (FTNCG),
I write, in accordance with our constitution, to formally notify you of FTNCG‘s 2016 Annual General Meeting (AGM).
This meeting will be open to the public, and the formal business of the AGM will be followed by a short break and then an open discussion about future Forest Town Nature Conservation Group activities and projects.
Date, time and place of the AGM:
Wednesday 4th May 2016, from 7pm at the Forest Town Welfare (Arena) Sherwood Room
General nature of business to be transacted:
1) Reports and Accounts
• Review of the past year (Shlomo, Chair)
• Membership report (Shlomo, Chair)
• Finance report / Annual Statement of Accounts (Josh, Treasurer)
2) Election of Officers and Trustees – The following have been proposed and are willing to stand:
• Shlomo Dowen for the Office of Chair;
• Richard Smith for the Office of Vice-Chair;
• Lorraine Dowen for the Office of Secretary;
• Josh Dowen for the Office of Treasurer; and
• Alan Alberry, James Healy, Rose Powell and Ross Lacey as Trustees
Thank you for your ongoing support for the Forest Town Nature Conservation Group.
Yours sincerely,
Shlomo Dowen
Chair of the Forest Town Nature Conservation Group

Updated Spa Ponds tree listing / map

The latest version of Mark Fretwell’s list of trees that he has recorded at Spa Ponds, with accompanying map, is now available from and some of these trees are also shown on the Woodland Trust’s interactive map of ancient trees at

One of the trees identified by Mark on Spa Ponds (the ‘mystery tree’ featured on the ‘Our Mansfield and Area’ website) was also recently named “The Duke” as part of a TCV competition. FTNCG submitted the following entry:

“The Duke’ is a mature paper birch tree believed to have been planted on behalf of the Duke of Portland over a hundred years ago due to the novelty of its bark. This ornamental North American tree is traditionally used by Native American Indians for making canoes, so he is a long way from home. However, the tree appears settled in the Spa Ponds Nature Reserve in Forest Town, Mansfield. The site is at the boundary of the historic Clipstone Park and part of Sherwood Forest, so the tree may consider himself as one of the many tourists who has ventured far to experience the legends of Robin Hood #IDigTrees”

Hopefully we will soon be able to bring you an article with some theories on how The Duke got to Spa Ponds, as we are currently chasing up some promising leads.

In addition to these established trees, last year FTNCG volunteers planted nearly 100 new trees: Blackthorn, Dog Rose, Dogwood, Goat Willow, Guelder Rose, Hawthorn, Hazel, Holly, Red Oak, Spindleberry, Wayfairing, and a ‘service tree’.

First Fun Friday of 2016

Happy New Year to all you Forest Town Nature Conservation Group (FTNCG) members and supporters.
A reminder that our first Fun Friday session down at Spa Ponds will take place this coming Friday, 8th January 2016. We will be gathering at the Clipstone Road entrance at 12 Noon, and we expect to be on site until at least 2 pm. Please join us if you can.
FTNCG fans may recall that Spa Ponds is to be included as a proposed “Local Green space” as part of Mansfield’s emerging Local Plan. Well, you can help this become a reality by taking part in Mansfield District Council (MDC) consultation exercise on the Consultative Draft Local Plan from 11th January to 22nd February 2016. This process will include a drop in discussion type event focussing in particular on the immediate area and wards of Newlands, Holly, Kingsway and Maun Valley. This event is booked for Kingsway Hall from 12 Noon – 4 pm on Wednesday 13th January 2016. You are free to drop in to this event at any time from 12 Noon. Happy to discuss this with anyone who might be interested.
Best New year Wishes,
Shlomo, on behalf of all of FTNCG’s Trustees

2015 Year-end message

Hello All FTNCG Members and Supporters

This has been another great year for the Forest Town Nature Conservation Group – with plenty of attention paid to making improvements to Spa Ponds.
Our thanks go to all the volunteers who have helped FTNCG throughout 2015, and to those who have kindly donated to support the charity, including our Councillors and ASDA.
Volunteers at Spa Ponds Nature Reserve

Continue reading “2015 Year-end message”

Tree Planting at Spa Ponds

On Saturday 21st November FTNCG volunteers planted 50+ more trees at Spa Ponds, including 10 each of Wayfairing, Guelder Rose, Spindleberry, Dogwood, and Goat Willow, and some Blackthorn donated by Charles Cannon. This wave of planting is in addition to the 30 trees from The Woodland Trust (6 each of Hawthorn, Hazel, Holly, Dog Rose and Dogwood) planted on Saturday 7th November. Continue reading “Tree Planting at Spa Ponds”