The latest version of Mark Fretwell’s list of trees that he has recorded at Spa Ponds, with accompanying map, is now available from and some of these trees are also shown on the Woodland Trust’s interactive map of ancient trees at
One of the trees identified by Mark on Spa Ponds (the ‘mystery tree’ featured on the ‘Our Mansfield and Area’ website) was also recently named “The Duke” as part of a TCV competition. FTNCG submitted the following entry:
“The Duke’ is a mature paper birch tree believed to have been planted on behalf of the Duke of Portland over a hundred years ago due to the novelty of its bark. This ornamental North American tree is traditionally used by Native American Indians for making canoes, so he is a long way from home. However, the tree appears settled in the Spa Ponds Nature Reserve in Forest Town, Mansfield. The site is at the boundary of the historic Clipstone Park and part of Sherwood Forest, so the tree may consider himself as one of the many tourists who has ventured far to experience the legends of Robin Hood #IDigTrees”
Hopefully we will soon be able to bring you an article with some theories on how The Duke got to Spa Ponds, as we are currently chasing up some promising leads.
In addition to these established trees, last year FTNCG volunteers planted nearly 100 new trees: Blackthorn, Dog Rose, Dogwood, Goat Willow, Guelder Rose, Hawthorn, Hazel, Holly, Red Oak, Spindleberry, Wayfairing, and a ‘service tree’.