Category: FTNCG
2015 Year-end message
Hello All FTNCG Members and Supporters
Volunteers at Spa Ponds Nature Reserve
Tree Planting at Spa Ponds
On Saturday 21st November FTNCG volunteers planted 50+ more trees at Spa Ponds, including 10 each of Wayfairing, Guelder Rose, Spindleberry, Dogwood, and Goat Willow, and some Blackthorn donated by Charles Cannon. This wave of planting is in addition to the 30 trees from The Woodland Trust (6 each of Hawthorn, Hazel, Holly, Dog Rose and Dogwood) planted on Saturday 7th November. Continue reading “Tree Planting at Spa Ponds”
Can you help solve a mystery of Spa Ponds?
See article at and let us know if you can help shed history on the 100+ year old Paper-bark Birch trees on Spa Ponds.
Report and Accounts, and Annual General Meeting (AGM) Minutes
FTNCG’s 2015 Report and Accounts (covering the period 31 March 2014 – 1 April 2015) was made available at our AGM on the 6th of May 2015. Minutes of our AGM are available from here. Continue reading “Report and Accounts, and Annual General Meeting (AGM) Minutes”
New Site Management Plan for Spa Ponds
Spa Ponds Nature Reserve, located off Clipstone Drive near Garibaldi Wood (with an entrance opposite the White Gates pub), is a local wildlife site that is also a valuable part of our mediaeval heritage. Continue reading “New Site Management Plan for Spa Ponds”
New Spreadsheet of Forest Town Wildlife Sightings
FTNCG gathers sightings of wildlife in Forest Town. See our 2015 Sightings Spreadsheet for a summary of what our members have seen this year. Our sightings forms are listed below under the heading of ‘FTNCG Forms and Documents’, and we encourage everyone in Forest Town to record what they have seen and to send it in for our records. In March 2015 FTNCG sent the official recorders more than 1,300 FTNCG‐recorded sightings covering the period July 2012 ‐ March 2015, and we have already gathered over 700 further sightings to submit in our next batch.
FTNCG is now a registered charity
On 14th July 2014 the Forest Town Nature Conservation Group (FTNCG) approved our new constitution with the charitable purpose to “promote for the benefit of the public the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment in and around Forest Town”. This enabled the Charity Commission to formally register FTNCG as Charity number 1157957. Continue reading “FTNCG is now a registered charity”