Hello to All FTNCG Members and Supporters
May I start by thanking everyone who made 2017 such a very special year for the Forest Town Nature Conservation Group (FTNCG). I am very pleased to be able to share some dates for FTNCG activities in the first part of 2018.
January 2018
- Friday 26th January (1pm – 4pm) FTNCG Management Meeting at Flint Avenue
- Saturday 27th January (10am – 1pm) Spa Ponds Work Session
February 2018
Saturday 10th February (10am – 1pm) Spa Ponds Work Session(UPDATE: CANCELLED DUE TO WEATHER)
March 2018
- Friday 2nd March (10am – 2pm) FTNCG Management Meeting at Flint Avenue
- Saturday 3rd March Work Session from 10am at the Rushpool Open Space and then from 1pm at Spa Ponds (to be confirmed).
- Saturday 24th March (10am – 1pm) Spa Ponds Work Session
April 2018
- Saturday 28th April 2018 from 10am FTNCG’s AGM at the Flint Avenue Community Centre, followed by a talk from Ann Ward about the various types of fungi found at Spa Ponds (to be confirmed).
Spa Ponds Work Sessions
There will be something for everybody to do to help improve nature conservation at Spa Ponds (weather permitting), including dead hedging, de-silting, thinning and pruning trees
- Saturday 27th January 2018 from 10am – 1pm
- Saturday 24th March 2018 from 10am – 1pm
FTNCG Management Meetings
All are welcome to tea, biscuits and to join the discussions, which will include a consideration of the recommendations in our Heritage Management Plan – Map to Flint Avenue available via: https://www.foresttown.net/heritageproject/Flint_Avenue_Community_Centre_Map.pdf
- Friday 26th January 2018 from 1pm – 4pm at the Flint Avenue Community Centre
- Friday 2nd March 2018 from 10am – 2pm at the Flint Avenue Community Centre
The Great British Spring Clean
There will be a very special day of activities on Saturday 3rd March 2018, starting with some litter picking, gorse management and wildflower planting at the Rushpool Open Space from 10am – 12 Noon, followed by a session of litter picking, gorse planting and wildflower management at Spa Ponds from 1pm – 3pm, all in honour of the Great British Spring Clean (to be confirmed).
FTNCG Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Spa Ponds Fungi Talk
FTNCG’s AGM will be held at the Flint Avenue Community Centre on Saturday 28th April 2018, from 10am. The business of the AGM will be followed by a talk from Ann Ward about the various types of fungi found at Spa Ponds (to be confirmed).