FTNCG are hosting a LIDAR Workshop this coming Saturday 11th March (10am – 3pm). This free Workshop is made possible by the Heritage Lottery Fund, and will take place at the Flint Avenue Community Centre in Forest Town.
The LIDAR Workshop with David Astbury of MBArchaeology will provide an introduction to the use of LIDAR surveying in archaeology. The Workshop will cover the aims and purpose of LIDAR surveys, how they are undertaken, what they can reveal and how archaeologists use this information. We will also look at the LIDAR results for Spa Ponds and the surrounding area.
If you wish to attend and are not already a registered ‘Project Participant’ or member of the Forest Town Nature Conservation Group then please get in touch with us via spa.ponds@gmail.com to ask about registering in advance of the workshop.
Those attending are advised to bring a packed lunch and to arrive 15 minutes early (9:45am), so that the Workshop can start promptly at 10am.